Cities and Counties
County Fees are taxes and fees collected by the Department from the cities and counties of Missouri.
The taxes and fees collected are deposited into the following funds: Blind Pension, Brain/Head Injury, Court Appointed Special Advocate, Associate/Municipal/Probate Clerk Fees, Circuit Clerk Fees, Children’s Trust, Coroners’ Training, Court Automation, Court Automation Time Payment, Crime Victim Compensation, Deputy Sheriff Supplementation Salary, DNA Profiling, Domestic Relations Resolutions, Drug Testing, Independent Living, MODEX (Missouri Data Exchange), Missouri Office of Prosecution Services – Bad Checks, Missouri Office of Prosecution Services – PA Training, Motorcycle Trust/Safety, POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training), Putative Father, Recorder’s Use, School Building Revolving, Spinal Cord Injury, Statutory Recorder, Private Railcar, Rural Electric, and Excess Traffic.
The County Fees Section also receives Forms 1315A (Monthly Statement of Collections), 1309 (Land and Personal Tax Aggregate Abstract), 1310 (Railroad and Utility Aggregate Abstract), 1313 (Back Tax Aggregate Abstract), and 205 (Collector’s Annual Settlement) that every county in Missouri is required to fill out and send in on a regular basis.
- Tax and Fee Reporting Forms
- County Fees Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Statutory County Recorders Fund
- Local Taxes Financial Statements
- FY 2022
- FY 2021
- FY 2020
- FY 2019
- FY 2018
- FY2017