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May 17, 2018

Department of Revenue Highlights Strategic Management Priorities


The Missouri Department of Revenue is highlighting its Strategic Management Priorities placemat, which outlines the Department’s first round of change initiatives it is pursuing in an effort to better serve Missouri citizens, be more focused and efficient, and engage with employees to help make the Department a better place to work. Placemats for each of Missouri’s 16 Cabinet departments were rolled out to the public earlier this month and can be found on strategicchange.mo.gov.

“I came to the Department of Revenue and the State of Missouri team with over 35 years of experience in high performing teams in the private sector, and I’m encouraged to see how we’re adopting management best practices to make our departments better,” said Joel Walters, Director of Revenue.

Each placemat summarizes a department’s aspiration, the overall goal for the next five or more years; themes, the efforts being made to achieve its aspiration; and initiatives, the high priority initiatives that will advance its themes and aspiration.

“Although not unique to the Department of Revenue, many of the core services we provide to our customers are not optional, but mandated by law,” added Walters. “This is why the Department chose as its aspiration, ‘We will assist the citizens and businesses of Missouri to meet their obligations.’

“And with our Road to 100 initiative and a number of new web-based tools, we’ve already made some great progress in advancing several of our placemat initiatives, which include goals such as reducing the need for citizen and business calls and assisting entrepreneurs and small businesses in establishing and succeeding in their business endeavors.”


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