Purchasing/DOR Bids
The Missouri Department of Revenue oversees more than 170 license offices, which are each operated by independent contractors. All license office contracts in Missouri are awarded through a competitive bid process. Bids are evaluated on areas such as training for personnel, customer satisfaction initiatives and whether the individual or entity is a not-for-profit, political subdivision or a Missouri Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise.
For a list of bid opportunities and bid response instructions, please visit Missouri’s statewide electronic procurement system, MissouriBUYS, at https://missouribuys.mo.gov/bidboard.
A full list of license office locations and hours of operation can also be found at https://dor.mo.gov/license-office-locator/.
For additional information and the schedule of RFP postings, go to the License Office RFP Schedule page at https://dor.mo.gov/resources/purchasing/licenseofficerfpschedule.html.
License Office Bids
The Department of Revenue's Purchasing Section is responsible for the procurement of departmental supplies, equipment, materials, services, etc.
The Purchasing Section solicits bids, awards contracts and initiates purchase orders in accordance with applicable statutes, policies, and guidelines. It promotes competitive procurement and encourages the participation and expansion of minority and women business enterprises in the procurement process.
Information on the new MissouriBUYS Statewide eProcurement System can be found at:
For additional information regarding Department of Revenue procurements, please contact the Department by phone at 573-751-1760 or 573-526-4831, or by mail at the address below.
Mailing Address:
Department of Revenue, Administration Division301 West High Street, Room 218
PO Box 87
Jefferson City, MO 65105
Fax: 573-751-8405