A Sunshine Law request is not required to follow a specific format. Nevertheless, the Department may have difficulty responding to requests that do not contain adequate detail or sufficient contact information. As an aid and a guide, the Department recommends you complete the form below and provide as much information as possible to assist the Department in its ability to provide you the best response. Missouri’s Sunshine Law allows Missourians to request open records. (See Chapter 610, RSMo.) Many of the records the Department possesses are closed records that are not available through a Sunshine Law request, but can be received through submission of completed forms as explained in other parts of this website.

A fee may be charged for researching and copying of documents requested in accordance with section 610.026, RSMo:

  1. DOR may charge up to 10 cents per page for standard copies, a reasonable fee for the time necessary to search for and copy public records, and as otherwise allowed by statute.
  2. A response will be provided no later than the end of the third business day after the request was received. The date the request is received will not be counted as one of the three (3) business days provided for response. In certain circumstances, additional time will be required to gather and provide for reasonable cause. § 610.023, RSMo.
  3. Once the fee is paid by the requestor, the documents will be retrieved, copied, and provided.

You may submit a request using the following online form. Please do not use this form to send the Department confidential tax, motor vehicle, or driver license information.

Submit a Sunshine Law Request

For more information regarding Sunshine Law, please visit site Attorney General's Office webpage.