Bank Franchise Tax Credit (BFT)
Permits corporations to claim a bank franchise tax credit if the bank is unable to use the credit on its Bank Franchise Tax Return (Form INT-2).
Eligible Applicants
For tax returns filed on or after January 1, 2001, including returns based on income in the year 2000 and after, a banking institution shall be entitled to an annual tax credit equal to one-sixtieth of one percent of its outstanding shares and surplus employed in this state if the outstanding shares and surplus exceed one million dollars.
For all tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, no tax credit shall be authorized under Section 148.064.6.
Eligible Use of Tax Credit
This credit is nonrefundable and cannot be carried forward or carried back.
Procedures to Claim the Credit
- This tax credit shall be taken as a dollar-for-dollar credit against the bank tax provided for in Subdivision (2) of Subsection 2 of Section 148.030; if such bank tax was already reduced to zero by other credits, then against the corporate income tax provided for in Chapter 143, RSMo.
- Attach a copy of your completed Form INT-2, INT-2-1, and MO-TC to your corporate income tax return.
Contact Missouri Department of Revenue, Taxation Division:
- Email:
- Phone: 573-751-3220