Instructional Guide for Encrypting Email Correspondence
To protect the confidential information of Missouri taxpayers, the Field Compliance Bureau (FCB) has implemented a secure messaging (encryption) policy. All emails sent to persons outside of the FCB will be encrypted using the Proofpoint Secure Messaging technology.
It is important to know that you (the recipient) will need to save or retain the initial email sent by your FCB representative in order to reopen the encrypted email message and any associated attachments within the email at a later time (see steps 3 - 6). If this initial email is deleted, the encrypted message will not be available for retrieval. Any message and/or attachments should be printed or electronically saved following the initial opening process. The information below provides step-by-step instructions for accessing encrypted emails.
Instructions for Receiving Initial Email:
- You will be contacted by phone by your assigned FCB representative to discuss the encryption process and ensure an adequate level of comfort and knowledge with the encryption process as outlined below.
- Prior to opening the encrypted email, verify that all pop-up blockers are turned off (disabled). To disable "Pop-up Blocker" from Microsoft Internet Explorer, click on “Tools”, located on your menu bar. Select “Pop-up Blocker” and turn it off.
- You will receive an email from your assigned FCB representative stating: “To view your message, please open the attachment.” You should double-click (open) on the attachment to authenticate yourself. (Note: some email servers will download the attachment automatically, and it may be visible in the initial email or if you have previously viewed the email it will be visible; go to step 4).
- The attachment will state: “To view your message, click the ‘Read Message’ button.”
- After choosing the “Read Message” button, a new window will open to prompt you to enter the recipient's first and last name, a password, and the answer to a password recovery question. (This password will be used to open any subsequently encrypted emails.)
- After completing Step 5, your message will be displayed.
Instructions for Receiving Subsequent Emails:
- You will receive an email from your assigned FCB representative stating: "To view your message, please open the attachment." You should double-click (open) on the attachment to authenticate yourself. (Note: some email servers will download the attachment automatically, and it may be visible in the initial email or if you have previously viewed the email it will be visible; go to step 4.)
- The attachment will state: "To view your message, click the 'Read Message' button".
- After choosing the "Read Message" button, a new window will open prompting you to enter your original password, which was set up with your initially received encrypted email. After entering your password, click the "Continue" button.
- After completing Step 3, your message will be displayed.
Instructions for Receiving a New Password:
- Go to the "Forgot Password" section on the screen where it prompts you to enter your new password. Click on the "You may reset it by clicking here."
- A screen will appear asking you to answer your initially set up security question. If you do not recall the answer to the question, contact the State of Missouri Office of Administration State Data Center at 573-751-2201. After six (6) unsuccessful responses, your access will be revoked and you will need to contact the State Data Center at the number noted above.
To Reply to the Sender While Your Original Email is Still Open:
- Within the decrypted email message, click the appropriate option button (Reply, Reply All, or Forward).
- Type the response and attach any files, as applicable.
- Click the "Send Secure" button.
If your company's firewall or security settings will not allow the encrypted message to be received, the FCB is equipped to support alternative email encryption methods. If this should occur, please contact your FCB representative to discuss these alternate methods.
An effective secure messaging policy keeps confidential information private, prevents tampering with message content, and authenticates the identity of both the message's sender and recipient. The FCB is committed to this policy being user friendly. If you experience any concerns with this policy, please contact your FCB representative.