State of Missouri Trust Funds
You may donate all or part of your overpaid amount to any of the funds listed below. The state of Missouri will administer each fund by transferring all donations into each fund’s account. There are a total of twenty-four funds eligible for contributions on Missouri’s income tax returns. See below for a brief description of each organization.
- American Cancer Society Heartland Division, Inc., Fund
- American Diabetes Association Gateway Area Fund
- American Heart Association Fund
- American Red Cross Trust Fund
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Fund
- Arthritis Foundation Fund
- Childhood Lead Testing Fund
- Children’s Trust Fund
- Developmental Disabilities Waiting List Equity Trust Fund
- Elderly Home Delivered Meals Trust Fund
- Foster Care and Adoptive Parents Recruitment and Retention Fund
- KC Regional Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation Fund
- General Revenue Fund
- March of Dimes Fund
- Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
- Missouri National Guard Foundation Fund
- Missouri National Guard Trust Fund
- Muscular Dystrophy Association Fund
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society Fund
- Organ Donor Program Fund
- Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund
- Puppy Protection Trust Fund
- Soldiers Memorial Military Museum in St. Louis Fund
- Veterans Trust Fund
- Workers’ Memorial Fund
American Cancer Society Heartland Division, Inc., Fund
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Founded in 1913 and with national headquarters in Atlanta, the Society has 14 regional Divisions and local offices in 3,400 communities, involving millions of volunteers across the United States. This fund is an irrevocable contribution. For more information anytime, contact:
American Cancer Society1100 Pennsylvania Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64105
800- ACS-2345
American Diabetes Association Gateway Area Fund
The Gateway Area Diabetes Association Fund will support the American Diabetes Association efforts throughout Missouri. Funds will support camps for children with diabetes, advocacy efforts to protect the rights of people with diabetes, outreach efforts to reach people newly diagnosed and people at risk for development of diabetes. Funds will also support the life saving emergency insulin assistance program and support the researchers in the state working to find a cure and prevention for diabetes. The American Diabetes Association is the only organization supporting all people with diabetes, children, and adults. We help those who care for people with diabetes: parents, families, friends, and employers. This fund is an irrevocable contribution. Requests for information may be made by contacting:
Gateway Area Diabetes Association Fund15455 Conway Road, Suite 360
Chesterfield, MO 63017
American Heart Association Fund
The American Heart Association is a voluntary health agency whose mission is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The American Heart Association accomplishes this through awareness, knowledge, advocacy and action. With cardiovascular disease as the No. 1 killer of Americans and stroke the No. 3 killer, the American Heart Association needs support to educate Missourians about the risk factors of these diseases. We are educating health care providers about the newest guidelines, so that they can treat their patients accordingly. Lawmakers are being educated about heart health issues so that Missourians can receive protection through various laws. The American Heart Association is taking action to raise funds for awareness, education and research programs. This fund is an irrevocable contribution. For more information, please contact:
American Heart Association460 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63141-7808
American Red Cross Trust Fund
For more information, please contact your local American Red Cross at:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS- Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Fund
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit health agency dedicated solely to the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, (ALS). The State of Missouri is fortunate to be served by two leading Chapters of the ALS Association. The St. Louis Regional Chapter serves St. Louis and the Eastern half of Missouri and The Keith Worthington Chapter serves Kansas City and the Western half of the state. The ALS Association is the leader in patient services, research, counseling, support groups, and training for the ALS patient and family members. This fund is an irrevocable contribution. For more information, contact:
888-873-8539 for patient services in Eastern Missouri or 800-878-2062 for patient services in Western Missouri
Arthritis Foundation Fund
The Arthritis Foundation is a voluntary, nonprofit health organization serving the needs of people affected by one or more of the 100 different forms of rheumatic disease. Arthritis is the country's leading cause of disability and costs the economy $82 billion annually. Arthritis affects people of all ages. One in three people in Missouri have arthritis. Over 4,000 children in Missouri are affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a particularly devastating form of the disease. The Foundation's mission is to prevent, control and find a cure for arthritis. Contact the Foundation for free information, exercise classes, support groups, a schedule of public forums, and more. This fund is an irrevocable contribution. Contributions can be made at any time directly to:
Arthritis Foundation9433 Olive Blvd. Suite #100
St. Louis, MO 63132
Childhood Lead Testing Fund
The Childhood Lead Testing Fund is used to support the administration of childhood lead programs, blood lead tests for uninsured children, educational materials, analysis of blood lead test reports and case management. Lead Poisoning affects children regardless of race, economic status or where they live. Activities supported by this fund ensure that Missouri children at risk for lead poisoning are tested and receive appropriate follow-up activities to protect their health and well being from the harmful effects of lead. Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to:
Missouri State Public Health Laboratory573-751-3334
Children’s Trust Fund
Children’s Trust Fund (CTF), Missouri’s foundation for child abuse & neglect prevention, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. CTF strengthens families and prevents child abuse through grant distribution, education, awareness and partnerships. CTF funds community-based prevention programs throughout Missouri that focus on parent education, protective factors that build strong families, home visitation, crisis nurseries, grandparent support, fatherhood initiatives, sexual abuse prevention, etc. CTF promotes positive parenting, realistic expectations of children, stress reduction, the prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)/abusive head trauma, safe sleep environments, safety in or around vehicles, sexual abuse prevention and overall child well-being. CTF also offers an official Missouri specialty license plate -- the ones with the green handprints -- that serve as a daily reminder of the importance of prevention and keeping kids safe. Requests for information & contributions may be made directly to:
Children’s Trust FundPO Box 1641
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1641
Developmental Disabilities Waiting List Equity Trust Fund
For more information please contact:
Missouri Department of Mental HealthDivision of Developmental Disabilities
1706 East Elm Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Elderly Home Delivered Meals Trust Fund
The Elderly Home Delivered Meals Trust Fund provides an opportunity to support the home delivered meals program for Missouri’s senior citizens. More than 7 million meals are provided each year to home bound senior citizens who might otherwise suffer from nutritional inadequacy. These nutritionally balanced meals are delivered to the homes of seniors to help them live independently in their homes. The need for home delivered meals increases yearly as persons are living longer and may need assistance. For more information, please contact:
Elderly Home Delivered Meals Trust Fundc/o Division of Senior and Disability Services
PO Box 570 - 912 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Foster Care and Adoptive Parents Recruitment and Retention Fund
For more information please contact:
Missouri Department of Social ServicesChildren's Division
PO Box 88
Jefferson City, MO 65103-0088
General Revenue Fund
The General Revenue Fund supports the main functions of state government, including education, social services, and health care, among other services. Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to:
General Revenue FundATTN: Department of Revenue
PO Box 3022
Jefferson City, MO 65105-3022
March of Dimes Fund
Help the March of Dimes save babies. Your efforts, together with those of 11 Nobel Prize winners and countless researchers and volunteers, help prevent birth defects and infant mortality. The March of Dimes funded the research that conquered polio and has reduced neural tube birth defects by over 25 percent through a folic acid education program! Now the March of Dimes is fighting the leading cause of death in newborns - prematurity. More than 470,000 babies in the U.S. each year are born too soon, too small almost 20 percent of the Missouri babies born in an average week are premature. Be a part of the good fight. Help fund the March of Dimes search for answers to the ravaging effects of prematurity. This fund is an irrevocable contribution. Send requests for information and contributions directly to:
The March of Dimes Fund11829 Dorsett Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
The Missouri Military Family Relief Fund was created to help alleviate financial strains for families of persons who are members of the Missouri National Guard or Missouri residents who are members of the reserves of the armed forces of the United States and have been called to active duty. For more information, please contact:
Missouri Military Family Relief FundATTN: JFMO-J1/SS
2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203
Missouri National Guard Foundation Fund
The foundation assists Missouri National Guard Members and all veterans and their families by providing services that enable them to improve their financial, physical, mental and social well-being. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt charitable organization. For more information, please contact:
Missouri National Guard Foundation Fund2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Missouri National Guard Trust Fund
The Missouri National Guard Trust Fund expands the capability to provide/coordinate Military Funeral Honors Ceremonies for veterans of Missouri and veterans buried in Missouri who have served their country in an honorable manner. Military Funeral Honors may be composed of “Two Member Detail” who may render honors, fold, and present the United States of America flag to primary next-of-kin, and sound Taps; “Four Member Detail” who may render honors, fire volleys, sound Taps, and fold and present the United States of America flag to primary next-of-kin; or “Veterans’ Organization Detail” who may render honors, fire volleys, sound Taps, and fold and present the United States of America flag to primary next-of-kin. Contributions may be made at any time directly to:
Missouri National Guard Trust FundATTN: Military Funeral Honors
2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203
573-638-9663 Missouri National Guard Funeral Honors
Muscular Dystrophy Association Fund
MDA is fighting neuromuscular diseases through worldwide research, a statewide network of clinics located in Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, Springfield, Joplin, and Cape Girardeau, Missouri offering comprehensive medical services to all Missourians with any one of 43 muscle-wasting diseases. MDA also provides professional and public health education, as well as Summer Camps for Missouri children affected by muscular dystrophy and related diseases. This trust fund is an irrevocable contribution. Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to:
Muscular Dystrophy Association8700 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 345
Overland Park, KS 66210
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Fund
Every hour, someone is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. MS has no known cure. This is why we need your help. Seven thousand of your Missouri neighbors are living with the daily challenges of this chronic disease of the central nervous system affecting the brain and spinal cord. For 50 years, the National MS Society has been providing help and hope to Missourians with MS. Every dollar you give to the MS Fund provides medical equipment, respite care and other direct financial assistance to people with MS throughout the state. This trust fund is an irrevocable contribution. Learn more about MS, the National MS Society, and services available in your area:
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Fund12125 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 320
St. Louis, MO 63141
Organ Donor Program Fund
Contributions support organ and tissue donation education and Registry operation. For more information, please contact:
Missouri Department of Health and Senior ServicesOrgan and Tissue Donor Program
PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund
CureSearch for Children's Cancer raises funds to support children's cancer research. For more information, or to donate directly to the fund, visit or call 800-458-6223.
Puppy Protection Trust Fund
For more information, please contact:
Missouri Department of AgriculturePO Box 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0630
Veterans Trust Fund
The Veterans Trust Fund expands the Missouri Veterans Commission’s ability to provide quality healthcare at its seven veterans homes and to assist veterans and dependents through its Service to Veterans Program. Because of the availability of this fund, nursing care staff receives specialized training and assistance for the treatment of residents suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia's, and other extraordinary ailments; and Veterans Service Officers and Assistants receive comprehensive training relating to veterans benefits. Contributions may be made at any time directly to:
Veterans Trust Fundc/o The Missouri Veterans Commission
PO Drawer 147
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0147
Workers’ Memorial Fund
The Workers’ Memorial Fund has been established to create a permanent memorial for all workers who suffered a job related death or injuries that resulted in a permanent disability while on the job in Missouri. The memorial will be located on the grounds of the state capitol. Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to:
Workers’ Memorial FundATTN: Office of Administration
301 West High Street, Room 570
Jefferson City, MO 65101